Australian Community Workers Association (ACWA) has changed its name to Community Work Australia
Community Work Australia

Family Support Worker

A family support worker conducts need assessments and provides practical and emotional support to families experiencing short or long-term difficulties, neglect, or abuse. A family support worker is typically employed in such work settings as child protection, foster care, and family services organisations.


ABS definition – Family Support Worker ANZSCO 411713

A family support worker ‘assists the work of social workers and welfare workers by providing services and support to families.’


Common occupational titles

Family Support Worker, Family Therapist, Family Wellbeing Officer, Child and Family Support Worker, Child and Family Officer, Crisis Response Worker (including family violence), Family Services Case Manager, Case Manager, Case Worker.

Please note: having your occupational title listed does not necessarily mean that your work experience is relevant. Please refer to all relevant information.

Assessment criteria

Qualifications can be one of the following:
  1. A relevant diploma or higher with a specialisation in family services or children and families
  2. A Community Work Australia accredited diploma or higher with a specialisation in family services or children and families
  3. A relevant qualification (non-specialised): A relevant qualification related to community services and comparable to AQF level 5 or higher
A relevant qualification is one which adequately prepares graduates to perform community work in Australia. It has a focus on providing community and human services and will typically cover:
  • sociology; social, political, economic structures and function
  • social policy, human development and function including psychological, physical and social aspects
  • general and specialised welfare services and systems
  • work with individuals, families, groups and communities
  • communication, basic counselling and interpersonal skills
  • additional subjects which could include child development, social justice, child protection, mental health, case management, group theory, drug and alcohol issues, crisis intervention, psychology, youth work, working with children and families, community development, juvenile justice, family violence.
Please note:
  • In instances where an applicant has used recognition of prior learning (RPL) to gain credit towards their qualification, Community Work Australia will accept a maximum of 40% RPL otherwise the qualification will not be recognised.
  • Some courses do not contain the breadth of core content required to prepare graduates for practice e.g., graduate certificates and graduate diplomas. These qualifications must follow a relevant undergraduate or additional related qualification, otherwise they will not be considered sufficient.
  • Community Work Australia will not accept qualifications which are unduly short. Unduly short qualifications do not provide students with sufficient time to gain the required skills and knowledge.
Applicants must demonstrate English language proficiency in one of the following ways:

  1. English language test results. Results must be from within 3 years of application. For IELTS only, you can submit multiples tests so long as they are from within a period of 12 months. This includes IELTS One Skill Retake test results (please refer to the IELTS website for eligibility requirements for IELTS One Skill Retake).
    The acceptable tests and required scores are:
    IELTS (general or academic) = 7 in each band
    PTE Academic = 65 in each band
    Advanced (CAE) = 185 in each band
    TOEFL IBT PTE = Listening 24, Speaking 23, Reading 24, Writing 27.
  2. Study conducted in English from a country with English as its main language. Completed study either:
    • at the level of bachelor’s degree, masters or Ph.D. or
    • completed all secondary education and diploma
    The study must have been delivered and assessed in English in a country with English as the main or official language. These are Australia, United Kingdom, Ireland, United States of America, Canada, and New Zealand.
  3. Two years of relevant industry experience in an English-speaking country. Completed at least 2 years full time (or part time equivalent) employment at the required skill level with English as the primary means of communication in a country with English as the main or official language. These are Australia, United Kingdom, Ireland, United States of America, Canada, and New Zealand.
  4. A suitable skills assessment that expired within the last 6 months. Applicants who received a suitable skills assessment and are applying for the same occupation can submit a copy of their original outcome to establish English proficiency.


Employment in the industry is defined as paid employment which involves the provision of direct service to families and children in a family support service setting. It is employment within the past 4 years, post-qualification, and must be at an appropriate skill level.
  1. Relevant diploma or higher with a specialisation in family services or children and families: Applicants must have at least 1 year of full time (or part time equivalent) employment in a family support service setting; and performed at the required skill level (see glossary).
  2. Community Work Australia accredited diploma or higher with a specialisation in family services or children and families: Applicants who have completed a Community Work Australia accredited diploma or higher are deemed to have sufficient industry experience through their practicum requirements. Where shortcomings are identified in a practicum component Community Work Australia may ask an applicant to reapply after completing 3 months full time or part-time equivalent industry experience.
  3. Relevant qualification (non-specialised): Applicants must have 2 years full time (or part time equivalent) employment in a family support setting and performed at the required skill level (see glossary).


Applicants must also demonstrate their knowledge and skills are up to date in one of the following ways:
  • holding a qualification that is less than 4 years old
  • a minimum of least 3 months full time (or part-time equivalent) employment in a relevant current role at the required skill level
  • at least 6 months relevant employment at the required skill level within the last 18 months

Glossary of terms

Community Work Australia accredited course

An applicant is deemed to have graduated from a Community Work Australia accredited course if the course and campus was accredited by Community Work Australia for the entire duration of the applicant’s study. If the course gained Community Work Australia accreditation during the applicant’s study period, applications will be assessed on a case by case basis under this category. Community Work Australia accredited courses are listed here.

Industry experience

Employment which involves the provision of direct service to families and children in a family support service setting. It is paid work, post-qualification, and must be at the skill level appropriate to the qualification.

Full time work

Paid employment of 30 hours or more per week.

Skill level

The range and complexity of the tasks performed in the occupation require a qualification equivalent to AQF Level 5. Please note: some support worker roles take place in the same setting as this occupation but only require a certificate level qualification (AQF Level 3/4). Employment at this skill level will not be considered.