With so many options available the choices can be overwhelming. Before you enrol in a course you should ask about the level of support you can expect from staff; the length of your practical fieldwork, ideally 400 hours; access to resources; and whether there is sufficient face to face teaching. Above anything you need to be assured that you will be work-ready when you graduate.
Your first and best option is to find a course Community Work Australia has determined meets industry expectations. Some providers will say their course is ‘accredited’ or ‘nationally recognised’ but this does not mean the course is Community Work Australia accredited. Regulatory accreditation has an emphasis on educational standards and is mandatory whether the field is medicine, music. Or community services. Community Work Australia provides independent accreditation that specifically looks at whether the course meets community sector standards. If a course is Community Work Australia accredited, it will say so. It will also be listed on our course finder.
Ask these questions
We understand course cost, duration and location may limit your personal options. If you are unable to study a Community Work Australia accredited course, do as much research as possible before enrolling in a non-accredited course.
How is the course delivered?
We don’t recommend courses that are 100% online. There are certain components (like basic counselling) which need to be taught face to face. If this type of course is not a realistic option for you, blended learning is preferable – a course taught primarily online but with mandatory on campus components.
How long will the course take?
Be wary of any diploma that is less than 18 months in duration and any bachelor’s degree less than 3 years when studied full time. Unduly short courses do not allow sufficient time to gain the competencies needed.
How many fieldwork placement hours are there?
For diplomas, the training package requires a minimum of 200 hours of placement, however, feedback from the industry is that this is insufficient to adequately prepare students for the workforce. We have set our accreditation requirements at 400 hours and do not recommend less.
How are fieldwork placements found?
A good quality provider will have strong links to the community sector and will take responsibility for finding placements for its students. Having to find your own placement is an indication that the course is not up to standard.
What sort of support is available to students?
Studying often involves juggling other responsibilities like family or work commitments, not to mention the unexpected such as a health concern. It’s a good idea to find out upfront what a provider’s policies are on such things as support or deferring study.